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T. , Strasbourg -Competitiveness of audiovisual and information services: protection of minors and human dignity, 2005.

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T. , -Strasbourg -Combating the sexual exploitation of children and child pornography (debate), 2009.

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, Wednesday 22 May 2013 -Strasbourg -Implementation of the audiovisual media services directive (A7-0055/2013 -Piotr Borys) -Oral explanations of vote

, Wednesday 22 May 2013 -Strasbourg -Implementation of the audiovisual media services directive (A7-0055/2013 -Piotr Borys) -Oral explanations of vote

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. Wednesday, Strasbourg -Question Time (Council) -Question No 7 by Mairead McGuinness (H-1054/07) Subject: Audiovisual Media Services Directive, 2008.

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T. , Strasbourg -Competitiveness of audiovisual and information services: protection of minors and human dignity, 2005.

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. Wednesday, Strasbourg -Parental control of television broadcasting serveurs Européens et qui se transfèrent aux États-Unis, 2000.

, America as soon as any threat arises, and this makes our task even more difficult»