. Maud-evelyn, which transpires in James's frequent use of "manipular verbs" (Goldberg 316) whose literalness is in fact eminently tropological ideas and beliefs look " as if there may be many sides to [them] " and are alternatively "turned ? over As opposed to voided things, objectified thoughts paradoxically belong to no one in particular, they are no one's property, but they operate, to use one of the story's tropes, like a "contagious" virus that can infect one from without (194, 195) This is yet another way of understanding Marmaduke's "taking" quality as connoting his ability to catch and spread the ideas of others, that sense, non-possession guarantees circulation rather than hinders it and, uncoupling kinship from family ties, allows for the making of a spectral community bound by the thingly thought of a living ghost

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